Who is 25X25 & why are they hosted on AFT Web Servers?

Frequently, new politically active non-profit groups emerge, and after a quick once over look of the board members it is usually blatantly obvious what philosophical category the group falls into. However, one that has been somewhat innocuous is 25×25.
Their objective is to increase renewable energy to be 25% of total US energy consumption within 25 years. Imagine that. It can be achieved if we cut ourselves down to the standards of a third world nation. There are thousands of groups like this with similar goals. Anyone who follows the Climate Change debate can probably name a handful off of the top of their head. So how is 25×25 different?
Was it the fact that the original bill proposing the co2 reductions bears the signature of our current President (then Senator) or the current Secretary of State? Not at all.
The Associations

What caught my attention and raised suspicion is where I found all of the group’s files. They seemed misplaced. Not only were these files absent from their own site and its “directory”, all of the internal documents of this Green group were placed in the “Parent Directory” of the AFTFACE directory. AFTFACE is the American Federation of Teachers Faculty and College Excellence.

Everyone knows why teachers would keep tabs on such a group; the green agenda is an extremely popular aspect of curricula. But they wouldn’t need to host the groups “founding documents”. Before we get started with the unions lets just clear up who the main funders are; Center for American Progress, General Motors, and other losers like the “Union of Concerned Scientists” Now that that is out of the way lets move on!

However, it does make sense if you go back and read AFT president Randi Weingarten’s statements. Their association with green groups tells how the union could benefit; then the story starts to speak for itself.

IMPORTANT: The rest of this post contains documents taken from AFTFACE website directory; while they still had the directory available with public access. Although the directory and folders originally had public access, these documents were not directly accessible while visiting the AFTFACE site-no links existed; these were in “storage”.

Lets start with the politicians (including then Senator Obama and Senator Clinton) that signed off on the 25×25 legislation. Click image for full document.

Click for full Document

The above document is dated January 2007. Shortly after this document (hosted on the one of the AFT/Teacher’s Union Website) the AFT released their “Building Minds, Minding Buildings” report with its focus on building “green” schools with “green jobs”. Out of nowhere the Teacher’s Union was especially interested in “green jobs”. Why? I’ll show you shortly with private letters from the teachers union lobbying for green jobs in recent legislation concerning foreclosures on homeowners. Click on image below for “Building Minds, Minding Buildings” report. (Again-in storage on AFTFACE’s “parent directory”)

Click image for full document

In the Introduction, signed by Randi Weingarten, the AFT expresses its concern over making buildings conform to LEED standards. This week, a blog on Forbes took a look at LEED certified buildings and found some terrible flaws; it turns out the new regulation standards actually cost more $$$. Via a report from Fast Company citing that the buildings are actually “Energy Hogs”

Anyways back to the  the “Green Jobs Act” of 2007; it seemed to be helping out more than just the tree-huggers. The “FAQ” sheet hosted on the AFTFACE website outlines who helped draft this legislation. (click image for full document)

Click image for Full Document

Money from All Over spread out All Over

After the Green Jobs Act of 2007 the AFT president Randi Weingarten started talking up the importance of going green.  Even in H.R. 3221 (a housing and anti-foreclosure bill) they were touting the importance of “green jobs” even though a brief of the bill doesnt mention anything about green jobs here (govtrack) or here. But the Union letter to all house members mentions it on the bottom of page 2 under “Community Colleges”

Click image for full document

When Capitalism just wont work…Socialism is the answer

To the informed it’s not a surprise to learn that the Teacher’s Union as well as other Unions are not at all capitalists. However, this is usually an assertion that is just made from those “right-wing lunatics” (like Beck, who are right nearly 100% of the time). But it is quite different when you see them say it in their own words. The following entries/documents show the breakdown of the AFT with the AFL-CIO and other organizations, the denouncing of freedom and capitalism, and the Teacher’s Unions open invitation for staff to attend the leftists US Social Forum. Lets Roll!

#1 The invitation for AFTFACE members (same site hosting all these “green files) to attend the US Social Forum.

and then there is the video invitation…from the above screen cap…to get faculty to join with the same group that receives praise from Hugo Chavez. Make sure you take to the streets and push for totalitarian control; sell out generations of freedom for next weeks paycheck!

AFT PowerPoint

Here is the AFT’s Political Action Report. Notice the group that prides itself on helping children doent have the childrens needs listed once in this report. Its all about members and advancing union power. (Clicking both images brings you to the same file)

Click Image for full Report-AFT Political Action

Click Image for AFT Political Action Report

But Wait there’s More!

In a 2007 interview AFT president Randi Weingarten said “…schooling is important for all kids. There is universal acknowledgement of that now. It used to be just us progressives that said that!” (pg. 18 of document below). Its an interesting interview that trashes capitalism and achievement and later, quoting from page 27, “We cede some of our individual rights to have collective responsibility and representative democracy (I thought we were a representative republic). Thats not Socialism; (yes it is) thats not communism (yes it is-especially when youre bilking the public of funds for “green” projects) . thats ceding certain things to have a democratic structure. That’s like Hillary Clinton and others saying ‘It Takes a Village’ “. I believe Jonah Goldberg already discussed how fascistic this was in Liberal Fascism. Here is the interview that starts on page 18 (click image below for full document)

Click for full document

I lied-you can see the AFT files

Yes I am a dirty rotten scoundrel-the parent directory is still open at the AFTFACE site but I will not be posting the link…I want to still be able to access and review the files-I’ll publish the direct path later. But just so you know I’m not BS’ing you here is a screen shot of their backdoor. Good luck and Happy Hunting!

the savvy will find this path! Good Luck!

End Note: While the EERE was granting funds for new projects the Washington Times in the next month was profiling their/Obama’s failures